How do I learn more about the Catholic Faith?
Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith?
Are you considering joining the Catholic Church?
Are you an adult who has been baptized in the Catholic Church, but has not received the Eucharist and/or the Sacrament of Confirmation?
Have you been baptized in another Christian tradition and would like to learn more about the Catholic Faith and perhaps join the Catholic Church?
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults may be for you!

The process of learning more about the Catholic Faith is called the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). Here at Immaculate Conception – St. Joseph’s Parish, our OCIA process consists of meeting on Wednesday evenings each week from the end of August through April or early May (depending when Easter falls). The length of the process may vary based upon the unique circumstances of each adult. Those interested in learning more about the Catholic faith are joined by our OCIA Team of parish volunteers as well as an individual’s sponsor who journey along with inquirers and share their experience in living the faith. During our meetings, we discuss what the Catholic Church believes and why, answer questions about the Catholic Faith, and spend time in prayer and reflection with the Scriptures.
There are no fees and there is no commitment required or pressure placed upon anyone who attends our meetings to join the Catholic Church. Our OCIA Team is there to help inform your journey of faith and assist you in determining whether God is calling you to the Catholic Church.
Should you decide to become Catholic, there are ceremonies or Rites to celebrate the steps along the way which prepare you to receive the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism (if you are not already baptized in a Christian tradition), Confirmation, and the Eucharist. These Sacraments of Initiation are normally celebrated at the Easter Vigil Mass on the night before Easter.
Although the official process starts in late August, we welcome anyone at any time of the year. We offer monthly sessions starting in January for those who are considering the RCIA process.

If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith through our OCIA process, please contact the OCIA Director, Deacon Dean Gilbert, at:, the parish office, or by clicking on the “Next Step” button below and submitting an inquiry form.