Quo Vadis Youth Group
The Quo Vadis Youth Group is here to encourage the continued religious education of our youth and guide them to the light of Christ, through peer engagements in a structured and fun environment.
Quo Vadis
Where does the name “Quo Vadis” come from? Around 67 AD, as St. Peter was fleeing persecution in Rome, he saw Jesus walking back towards the city. Peter said to Jesus, “Quo Vadis, Domine?” “Where are you going, Lord?” In Carracci’s painting, we see Jesus answering Peter, “I am going to Rome to be crucified again.” Peter then turned around, returned to Rome and was soon after martyred.
“Quo vadis?” is a question that we want to ask each other and ourselves all through our lives.

Meetings and Information
Meetings are from 6-7:30 pm at Saint Joseph’s Gym, Youth Group Room and Church.
Youth Group Regular Meeting Dates
for 2024-2025
Sept 15 (Kick-off) & 22
October 6 & 20
November 10 & 17
December 8 & 15
January 5 & 19
February 2 & 23
March 9 & 23
April 13 & 27
May 11 (Final Meeting)
Contact our Parish Office to learn more and connect with our Youth Group team.
To join, bring a completed registration form to the Parish Office or to a Youth Group meeting.